Sunday, June 30, 2024

Fox News Digital: French right in commanding position as 'fed up' voters prepare to send Macron message in elections


FRANCE - When the French go to the polls this Sunday, the result will likely reflect an unprecedented move to the right in what could lead to the most conservative parliament since the country was liberated in WWII, experts say. 

The reasons come down to unhappiness with immigration, a weak economy, a cost-of-living crisis and dissatisfaction with the current centrist government, especially among younger voters.

"Right now, France is seeing its biggest shift to the right," Matthew Tyrmand, adviser to conservative political candidates and parties across Europe told Fox News Digital. "This is democracy at work—the people are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore." Read more here.

Emmanuel Macron
Kremlin.ruCC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Thursday, June 27, 2024

#FRANCE: Hot weather, heated Elections in Paris and London. @BatchelorShow @RealConstable, Occitanie


Listen here.

#FRANCE: Hot weather, heated Elections in Paris and London. CBS Eye on the World with John Batchelor, Simon Constable, Occitanie

 Inauguration, dans les années 50, de la plaque commémorative en hommage à Raymond Luauté (1905-1945), militant communiste déporté, au numéro 86 rue de Bagnolet, XXe arrondissement, Paris, France. VLuautéCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Friday, June 21, 2024

#France:The National Rally's 28 year old @J_Bardella. @RealConstable @BatchelorShow @FoxNews


Listen here.

At 28, Jordan Bardella shakes up French politics: 'People across France have woken up'

FRANCE — Jordan Bardella is shaking things up in French politics. He’s young. He’s handsome like a male fashion model, and since 2022, he’s been president of the National Rally, the new name for the National Front party founded in 1972 by controversial far-right politician Jean-Marie Le Pen. The party has moved on from its far-right roots, becoming more of a populist party under Le Pen's daughter, Marine. 

"Jordan Bardella, the right-wing 28-year-old without a college degree, could be the French prime minister in a few weeks," says Thomas Corbett-Dillon, a former adviser to former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson and adviser to other European politicians. "This is great news for the French people that have suffered relentless attacks on their culture by left-wing Macron and the millions of migrants he imported."

Read more about Barcella here.

#France: Driving with calves in the road. @RealConstable @BatchelorShow @FOXNews Occitanie.



Listen here.

#France: Driving with calves in the road. Simon Constable, Occitanie. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Fox News Digital: At 28, Jordan Bardella shakes up French politics: 'People across France have woken up'


FRANCE — Jordan Bardella is shaking things up in French politics. He’s young. He’s handsome like a male fashion model, and since 2022, he’s been president of the National Rally, the new name for the National Front party founded in 1972 by controversial far-right politician Jean-Marie Le Pen. The party has moved on from its far-right roots, becoming more of a populist party under Le Pen's daughter, Marine. 

"Jordan Bardella, the right-wing 28-year-old without a college degree, could be the French prime minister in a few weeks," says Thomas Corbett-Dillon, a former adviser to former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson and adviser to other European politicians. "This is great news for the French people that have suffered relentless attacks on their culture by left-wing Macron and the millions of migrants he imported." Read more here.

 via Wikimedia Commons

Sunday, June 9, 2024

FINANCIAL FLASHBACK:90 YEARS AGO: President Signs Stock Measure (founding of the SEC)


Wall Street isn’t what it used to be. It’s better for investors.

In large part, for that, we can thank the signing of the Securities Exchange Act in June 1934, creating the Securities and Exchange Commission. 

“The old Wall Street was kind of corrupt in many ways with a lot of market manipulation,” says Richard Sylla, emeritus professor of economics and financial history at the Stern School of Business. 

Significant changes introduced included limits on investing using borrowed money—which had been unfettered during the 1920s in the lead-up to the 1929 market crash that ushered in the Great Depression. The new laws also banned market manipulation.

But perhaps most important was the mandatory registration of all company annual and quarterly reports according to standard accounting rules. 

Despite some grumbling over the new rules, things changed for the better. “Wall Street is considered a much fairer place than it was now,” Sylla says. “The world has benefited from the 1930s legislation.” 

One of the most intriguing aspects of the law was President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s appointment of Joseph P. Kennedy, patriarch of the Kennedy family, as the first SEC chairman. Read original here.

US Securities and Exchange Commission, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Briefings Magazine: A Global Shift in Trading


The growth in world trade has been nothing short of an economic savior since the end of WWII. As America reigned supreme, international trade grew from a mere 4.2 percent of world GDP in 1945 to 31 percent, reaching that peak first in 2008, and again in 2022 after retreating for a decade or so. This trade growth coincided with what economists expected: Over those many decades, increased trade lifted millions of people out of abject poverty and made some others rich. Unfortunately, those halcyon days seem to be ending—and quickly. Read more here.

Monday, June 3, 2024 Buy Wheat. It’s A Top Hedge For Geopolitical Crises, Analyst Says


Get ready to put some wheat futures in your portfolio.

The reason is simple: It is a great hedge against geopolitical tumult.

Shawn Hackett, writing the Hackett Money Flow Commodity Report, which focuses on agriculture (Ag) puts it like so:

  • “In terms of geopolitical hedges in Ag commodities, the wheat market takes the prize. It is likely to outperform most other geopolitical hedges during this period.”

Read more here.

Boisie Valley Wheat Field circa 1920, 
See page for author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Cost Of Coffee Set To Skyrocket


How much is your morning coffee going to cost you this year or next?

Likely a lot more than it did recently.

“The coffee market has a set up for all-time highs to be seen over the next crop cycle,” writes Shawn Hackett in the Hackett Money Flow Commodities Report, which focuses on agricultural products. Read more here

afe, s’il Vous Plais 
Christopher Michel 
CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Christopher Michel CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons