Thursday, June 21, 2012

WSJ: What Yogi Berra can Teach the Winner of Presidential Race


Yogi Berra had it right when he said: “If you come to a fork in the road, take it.”

Whoever will be U.S. president next year needs to do just that, and make a decision on which way to go. That will go a good way to help the ailing jobs market.

You see the problem with the economy, the most pressing problem of our time, is at least in part due to lack of decisiveness from government itself. That’s according to 2011 research from Stanford University economists Nicholas Bloom and Scott Baker and the University of Chicago Booth School of Business‘s Steve Davis. They point out that uncertainty over which of many strategies the government will pursue is actually making things worse.

They call this “policy uncertainty” and according to the trio, it’s up more three-fold since 2000.

See original post here.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

WSJ: What I Learned from Dad About Money


Listen up. It's Father's Day, and, believe it or not, the old man still knows his way around the block. He still has a few lessons worth learning.

So The Wall Street Journal Sunday asked some really, really smart people in the business and financial world what they learned at home.

The question: What did you learn from Dad about money and finance?

The answers (in a nutshell): Work hard, save your money and diversify your investments.

And what dad would disagree?  Read more here.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Barron's: Its Back to the '60s As Central Banks Embrace Gold


Big changes are afoot in the gold market. The short take: The new environment will favor long-term investors who buy and hold for years over speculators who try to trade day-to-day gyrations.

For one thing, central bankers are back buying gold. Think it's no big deal? The last time we saw the so-called official sector as such a consistent and major buyer was in 1965. See original post here.

Photo by Zlaťá on Unsplash

Friday, June 8, 2012

WSJ: Beyond the Tried-and-True: Generating Cash in Later Life


These days trying to find high-quality income-producing stocks or bonds—ones yielding better than a measly 2% or 3%—can be as frustrating as trying to tie your shoelaces with one hand.

Don't despair: There are ways to boost income in retirement that go beyond the usual suspects—sometimes way beyond. Here are five