Thursday, March 2, 2017

Forbes: Why Emerging Markets May Go Limp


Strong emerging markets stocks and a strong dollar don't usually go together too well.

That's why anyone considering investing in places like Argentina, Brazil, Thailand, and South Africa, might want to get ready for a bump in the road.

Read more

  Why Emerging Markets May Slump from Constable Confidential on Vimeo.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

U.S. News: Emerging Markets Are Full of Investing Risk and Reward


Emerging market stocks have been on a tear lately, and some say the rally could continue, but there are reasons to be cautious. Anyone wanting to invest in the sector should understand the risks and potential rewards.

The MSCI Emerging Markets index, which tracks stocks in a variety of emerging market countries, has shot up more than 10 percent this year versus where it ended last year.

That's a sizable move, especially when an annualized stock return of 10 percent is considered healthy, never mind such a move in less than two months. Will it continue? Maybe not. Read more here.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

BBC Capital: This Is Why The Boss Will Crush All Your Good Ideas


Surely you’ve heard the plea from on high at your company: we want more innovation, from everyone at every level. Your boss might even agree with the sentiment — because, of course, who doesn’t like innovation? It’s good for everyone, right?

Yet when it comes to innovating at your job it might be better to lower your expectations — and then some. Your idea is far more likely to die on your boss’s desk than it is to reach the CEO. Read more here.

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Monday, February 27, 2017

Forbes: Mr. Trump, Here's Why Trade Deficits Are Good


President Trump seems to have the wrong end of the stick when it comes to trade deficits.

He seems to think big trade deficits mean the U.S. is losing in the game of international trade. But nothing could be further from the truth. They are good: The bigger the better, in fact.

Here's what you need to know:

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Forbes: Why You Shouldn't Look Down On Your Depressed Colleagues


How well do we really know whether someone has a hard life or not? Not very much at all.
That's the first big takeaway from Daphne Merkin's recently published book, This Close To Happy: A Reckoning With Depression. Read more here.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

U.S. News: Rocks and Concrete Might Be Good Bets for Investors


When it comes to industrial materials, there isn't much more basic than rocks and concrete. But they might just be a good investment under the Trump administration.

"Infrastructure spending is coming," says Craig Hodges, a portfolio manager with Hodges Funds. "Airports and roads are deplorable – there needs to be major spending on that."

The phrase "major spending" isn't used lightly. The Trump team wants to spend around $1 trillion on fixing worn-out bridges and airports. Read more here.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Forbes: What Is Causing The Spike In Economic Uncertainty? It's Not Trump

Last month a key indicator of economic uncertainty reached yet another record high. Listening to some people you might be forgiven for thinking that the problem is Donald Trump's administration. The data say otherwise. Read more here.