Monday, August 7, 2017

WSJ: What to Consider Before You Buy an Emerging-Markets Fund


Investors are flocking back to emerging markets, after dumping billions of dollars of emerging-markets securities and funds late last year.
For those who are thinking of following suit by putting their money to work in emerging markets, here are some important considerations. Read more here.

WSJ: What Is Risk Parity?


An investment strategy known as risk parity has drawn attention lately because of the lack of volatility in the stock market and what might happen when volatility reappears.
“A risk-parity portfolio tries to derive equal risk from all the asset classes it’s involved with,” says Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at BMO Private Bank in Chicago. Read more here.

WSJ: Pakistan Status Grows In Indexes


Pakistan has gotten a leg up from the indexing world and could get more attention from investors because of it.

In May, index provider MSCI Inc. decided to give Pakistan emerging-market status and added it to the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. MSCI had previously classified the country as a frontier market. Read more here.

Pakistan's Flag
Photo by Abuzar Xheikh on Unsplash

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

U.S. News: Defense Stocks Are Booming and Won't Slow Down

Is it time to bail on defense stocks, or is there more upside to come?

The sector, which includes giant companies such as Lockheed Martin Corp. (NYSE: LMT), Raytheon Co. (ticker: RTN), and United Technologies Corp. (UTX), is on an impressive run, beating the broader market index by a factor of nearly 2-to-1 over the past 24 months. Read more here.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Forbes: Fowl Matters -- Will Britain Really Reject U.S. Trade Deal Over Chickens?


Did the British government just fowl up the chance of a trade deal with the U.S. before negotiations have even begun? Not to be a Chicken Little, but sure seems that way.
And it all started off so well just a few weeks ago. Read more here.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

U.S. News: Low Volatility Worries Some Investors


The so-called "fear gauge" is looking low and that has some investors concerned. The matter at hand is complacency, or not worrying enough about the risks of investing.

The CBOE volatility index, or VIX, is known colloquially as the fear gauge. It measures the price that investors are willing to pay to buy insurance against a drop in the broad stock market.

"It gives you an idea of how much people will pay up for that protection," says Russell Rhoads, director of education for CBOE’s Options Institute in Chicago. "The more concerned they are, the more it goes up in value." Read more here. 

Monday, July 24, 2017

Forbes: What We Can All Learn From An Art Forger


At the best of times, the market for fine art and antiquities is murky, but even at its worst, it's nothing compared to the seedy underworld of forgeries.
The latter is the world which Shaun Greenhalgh illuminates in his book, A Forger's Tale, which was published last month. It's the story he wrote in prison after the 2007 conviction for crimes that he details in the book. In addition to the inner workings of the art world, there is something for business people to learn. Read more here.