Saturday, November 25, 2017

Barron's: A Cold December Could Heat Up Wheat Prices


A BRUTAL COLD SNAP IN DECEMBER IS LIKELY, ACCORDING TO SOME FORECASTERS, and it could lift winter wheat prices higher than $5 a bushel, up more than a dollar from recent prices. A rally would aid the much-beleaguered farm economy, which has been hurt by steadily falling wheat prices since mid-2012. Read more here.

Photo by rajeev ramdas on Unsplash

Friday, November 24, 2017

P+I: ETFs offer plethora of risk management alternatives


Some of the biggest exchange-traded funds now have bid-ask spreads lower than the underlying securities they hold.

There are multiple reasons, but a significant part of the answer is that these investment vehicles offer a more favorable investing alternative for the institutions that buy and sell them. Read more here.

Photo by Joshua Mayo on Unsplash

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

U.S. News: Don't Let Dire Market Forecasts Shake You


The headlines are frequent and give a scare to investors who take a glass-half-full-view of the stock market.
    • "Black Monday Is Coming Again," warns the Daily Express.
    • "Investors, This Is Your Last Warning About the U.S. Stock Market," cautions MarketWatch.
    • "Crash Fears Escalate As Markets Hit Highs Not Seen Since Black Tuesday and Dot-Com Disaster," moans the Daily Telegraph.
Should you sell your stocks when the pundits say a crash is looming? Read more here.

Monday, November 20, 2017

At Work At the Middle East Monitor Conference


If you are interested in a copy of the presentation please send a note via the contact form. 

Monday, November 13, 2017

Forbes: Templar History Shows Leaders High On Power Get Toppled

Business chiefs listen up, especially in the world of big tech where egos are becoming rather inflated.
There's a vital message for those who get too powerful tucked into a new book: One day you'll draw the ire of someone more powerful, and they will attempt to destroy you.
The caution, although not explicit, comes in the epic story of the warrior monks known as the Knights Templar whose activities have given rise to much speculation and theories, some reasonable and some absurd.
Expert history writer Dan Jones digs deep for the facts and chronicles their history in his recently published book The Templars: The Rise and Fall of God's Holy Warriors. It is published by Viking in the U.S., and by Head of Zeus in the U.K. Read more here.

Forbes: How To Profit From "The Swamp"


Ouch! Things aren't going quite as planned in the Capitol. But nevermind, there is a silver lining to the cloud, from which you can profit.

The issue is that so far President Trump hasn't "drained the swamp" of Washington D.C.'s ways, as he promised to do so. But you can take full advantage of the lack of reform by making some money for yourself. It is perfectly legal and relatively simple. Read more here.

Photo by James Morden on Unsplash

Constable Confidential: Speaking at Middle East Monitor Saudi Arabia Conference

Crisis in Saudi Arabia: War, Succession and the Future

Sat 18 November 2017
09:30 – 17:00 GMT

183 Euston Road, Bloomsbury

Sign up here.