Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Forbes: Expect Subdued Gold Market In 2021, CPM Says


Don’t bet that the 2020 gold market boom will repeat this year. It likely won’t, new research shows.

Expect something less than the phenomenal rally seen during the height of the pandemic. Read more here.

Photo by Dmitry Demidko on Unsplash

Forbes: Does Tesla’s Tumble Mean The Electric Car Party Is Over?



Tesla Inc’s (TSLA) stock has taken a tumble over the last few week, falling almost 30% since January 26.

That’s hundreds of billions of dollars wiped off the value of one company in a matter of weeks.

What it doesn’t mean is the electric vehicle (EV) party is over, according to recent research from Swiss bank UBS. Read more here.

Photo by Beat Jau on Unsplash

Forbes: Bitcoin Still A Long Way From Being Money


Cryptocurrencies hit the big time in January, but doesn’t mean they are money. Not yet anyway. Read more here.

CryptoWallet.com ImagesCC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Forbes: Massive Margin Call Strikes Again In The Stock Market


Too much leverage strikes again in the stock market!

It’s at least the second time in 2021 that investors using leverage to enhance their returns has sent the market into turmoil. Read more here.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Darden: Government Debt During Crisis -- The Pandemic and Credit Risk


Over the past decade, economists such as Nobel laureate Paul Krugman have increasingly urged countries to embrace more government borrowing. But recent experience from the COVID-19 pandemic shows that too much debt can be a significant problem. New research shows that specifically during periods of crisis, nations with stretched finances will more than likely be penalized by financial markets and see their borrowing costs rise. The findings have significant implications for global policy. Read more here.

Monday, March 8, 2021

WSJ: How Margin Debt Works


Margin debt is a sometimes-overlooked but key part of the stock market that is particularly pertinent right now. Read more here.

Forbes: High Frequency Trading Helps Stabilize The Stockmarket, New Research Shows


No, high-frequency algorithmic traders are not messing up the stock market.

The reality is that HFT (high-frequency trading) is helping to stabilize the exchange-traded fund (ETF) market by ensuring that the price of the funds stays close to the net asset value (NAV) of the holdings, new research finds. That should benefit all investors not just Wall Street professionals. Read more here.

  Photo by Tech Daily on Unsplash