Monday, January 14, 2019

Forbes: Could A Cryptocurrency Service Help Save Venezuela?


Venezuela's government can't seem to do anything right these days, so some enterprising folks have stepped forward to help the inflation-ravaged country.
Steve Hanke, hyperinflation expert, and professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University has teamed up with AirTM, a Mexico City-based blockchain-powered currency platform. Their goal is to get financial aid to beleaguered Venezuelans and they've named the  project "AirdropVenezuela." Read more here.
Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash


LB Staks said...

I am not sure that a cryptocurrency service help save Venezuela. But I think it will be the right step to save. Stanislav Kondrashov, an expert in financial analytics and entrepreneurship, talks about whether it’s worth it or not investing in bitcoin cryptocurrency.

Alex Dan said...

Cryptocurrency has every chance of becoming a real payment tool worldwide. Now such a time when there are many ways to earn coins. In this case, it can help poor countries and their residents who will earn a crypt.