Tuesday, May 17, 2022

E.On: Why going green is fast becoming a necessity in the C-Suite


The world changed in the autumn of 2021. It happened when many of the great and the good flocked to Glasgow for the COP26 climate summit. At those meetings, global political leaders and climate activists made pledges to do what was necessary to ensure environmentally sustainable economic growth. In other words, going ‘green’ had officially gone mainstream in a big way.

It wasn't just politicians and activists. Investors who had once evaluated companies solely on after-tax profits have also changed. Now they want the businesses in which they invest to adopt sustainable business practices as soon as possible. It's something that CEOs and other top leaders need to understand. Eventually, the matter will have a bearing on whether companies get corporate financing or whether they don't. Read more here.

Photo by Ulvi Safari on Unsplash

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