Friday, April 22, 2016

Forbes Video: Why Silver May Head to $25


Despite the steady increase in silver prices over the past month, there could be even more of a rally to come. Veteran commodity markets observer Jeff Christian, the founder of New York specialty consulting firm CPM Group, explains why the white metal could trade as high as $25 an ounce in this interview: Watch, listen, and learn here.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Forbes Video: What The Fed Can Learn From Carl Sagan


“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence,” said Carl Sagan, astronomer extraordinaire.
That philosophy should apply to anything. If you say you can read minds or levitate, then at least back it up with substantial evidence that you can do so.
The same should be true for the policies of the Federal Reserve, which has implemented some extraordinary monetary policy over the last few years. The question is, where is the evidence that it works?
Unfortunately, the Fed’s policy making experts haven’t got the goods to back up their claims, says Economic Cycle Research Institute’s cofounder Lakshman Acuthan. He explained to me what he meant in the latest installment of “Outside On Wall Street:” Watch, listen, and learn in this video.
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Forbes Video: Is the Metals Market Meltdown Over?


It’s been a long hard grind down for the metals markets over the past five years. It’s particularly bad when seen relative to the S&P 500.
It was only part way through the sell off that most people realized that things were dramatically changing for the commodities markets as China started to transition to a different sort of economy. Now, as commodities prices have rebounded a little, the question becomes, is the worst over?
The good news is probably yes, according to CPM Group managing partner Jeff Christian who explains why. He also warns not to expect a spectacular rally in the short term. Watch, listen, and learn in this video.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Forbes Video: How Smart People Mess Up Commodities

Why is it that so many seasoned investors mess up when they decide to enter the commodities market? Otherwise smart people seem to lose all reason and are frequently left with a handful of nothing.
I sat done recently with veteran commodity markets investor Jeff Christian to discuss this matter. His experience goes back decades to the 1970s commodities boom and then he survived the two-decade bear market which lasted from 1980 through the turn of the millennium.
Watch, listen and learn in the following video

U.S. News: Silver Prices May Be Ready to Shine


Is it time to add a little silver to the mix in your portfolio? Investors doing so will need to be cautious and patient at the same time.
The market has certainly bounced considerably recently following a brutal years-long bear market where the value of the metal fell dramatically.
The slide in prices started in early 2011, when the price fell from $48.70 a troy ounce to $13.71 by late last year, according to data from the London Bullion Market Association. Prices have subsequently rebounded to more than $16 an ounce as investors piled in.
"We are seeing very strong investment demand and that makes me think silver prices can move higher," says Jeff Christian, managing partner at consulting firm CPM Group in New York, and a multi-decade veteran of the commodity markets.
Read more here.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Forbes: Is This The Worst Ever Bad Boss Behavior?


This just in: The race to be the world’s worst boss just got some very stiff competition. It’s so bad, it may just take the cake.
I’m not sure whether the perpetrator is naturally gifted with appalling behavior, or whether whoever committed this latest atrocity of workplace malfeasance is studiously following my continuing series of becoming an appalling manager.
Either way, it makes your job of reaching the goal of being that diabolical non-leader much harder.
If you think I’m joking, here’s what happened?

Forbes: An Office Full Of Fear -- The Worst Boss Method


[Part 16 of a continuing series on how you too can become an appalling manager.]
When employees are anxious or even scared they do their jobs badly or sometimes not at all. They mentally cower. You might find that they just stare blankly at their computer screens for hours on end or that they make many stupid mistakes.
As a potential “worst boss possible” you need to cultivate that environment of terror in the workplace.
How do you do that without running afoul of the increasingly politically correct workplace? It’s tricky, but doable. Here is a step-by-step guide to getting the job done.