Thursday, February 16, 2017

No.3: Tomaas -- Go Your Own Way


It is something of a truism that there is never a right time to switch career. But it’s hard to imagine a worse time to move into photography than 2007, the very eve of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Still, for Tomaas the time was right. Read more here.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

U.S. News: Municipal Bonds Are Less Attractive in 2017


The new administration seems firmly committed to slashing individual tax rates. That's good, but it raises the issue of whether it still makes sense to invest in municipal bonds.

These securities typically have some favorable tax-related attributes. Interest income from muni bonds is usually exempt from federal taxes and in many cases from state income taxes, also.

Whether you own some of these securities or not, there are some things you need to know. Read more here.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Forbes: Why Mnuchin Must Keep The Dollar Strong


Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin must resist calls to weaken the greenback. Despite claims to the contrary, letting the dollar drop would do little to boost the economy and much to harm it. Here's what you need to know.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Barron's: Profiting From Flat Beef Prices


Beef prices may have taken a tumble last year, but now it looks like they aren’t going anywhere but sideways for a while. That may not sound like the most exciting investment opportunity in the world, but it could be a compelling one if you sell options at levels above and below recent prices.

Read more here.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Forbes: How Alexander Hamilton Can Help Reverse The Mess In the Workplace


When it comes to how people behave in the business world, few things are as disheartening as when individuals with lack of character are installed in management positions.

That's why I found a recently published book on leadership so refreshing. The title in question, The Leadership Secrets of Hamilton: 7 Steps to Revolutionary Leadership from Alexander Hamilton and the Founding fathers by Gordon Leidner, hit the shelves earlier this month. Read more here.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

U.S. News: 8 Reasons to Get a Side Gig Now


If you have a full-time job right now, congratulations. The economy is certainly better than it was a few years ago. But now is the time to get a side gig as well.
"The main reason is because there is so little job security today," says Kimberly Palmer, author of "The Economy of You: Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur and Recession-Proof Your Life." 
"If you were to suddenly lose your job, then you have something to fall back on," Palmer says.
Even with the economy in better shape than a few years ago, there are still major firings. U.S. companies announced mass layoffs totaling nearly 527,000 last year, according to a report from outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, which tracks the data. Read more here.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

TheStreet: Why India's War on Cash Is a Warning to the U.S.

India's economy crumbled in just weeks, all because of a misguided war on cash. This should be a lesson to anyone pushing for a cashless society.
While Americans were going to the polls on Nov. 8, India's Prime Minister Modi made an announcement that all existing large-denomination bills would need to be deposited in banks in exchange for new bills. The bills in question accounted for almost all the cash in the economy.
The request was startling. The result: India's economy ground to a halt. Read more here.