Monday, October 16, 2017

Forbes: Why The Market Has Surged Under Trump


Some people aren't going to like this, but the market seems to love President Trump.

Since election day last year through last Friday, the SPDR S&P 500 exchange-traded fund, which tracks the S&P 500, is up more than 17%, not including dividends. By most standard measures, that's a phenomenal return. It is also multiple times the gains shown in the same period a year earlier.

The overarching thing about the market is that it is amoral. It cares about little except future profits, dividends, and cash flows. Other stuff, not so much. When it comes to the money matters, there are specific reasons that investors feel more confident about stocks now. Here are some:

P.J. Media: A Race to the Bottom in Britain as Parties Offer Plans for Housing Crisis


Fall is political party conference season in Britain. This year, it's also the scene of a race to the bottom for dismal economic policies.
All the major parties have offered up some economic ideas that are worse than useless, but winning by a mile is the ultra-left Labour Party, led by Jeremy Corbyn. Read more here.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Forbes: Could Hurricane Ophelia Cause A U.S. Market Crash?

Mother nature could have a nasty surprise in store for investors.
A market crash just like we saw in 1987 could be triggered this weekend if Hurricane Ophelia hits the British Isles.
If it happens, it will be just in time for the 30th anniversary of the crash of 1987. Read more here.

U.S. News: Should You Ride the Electric Car Trend?


Is the buzz over electric vehicles worthwhile for investors looking to get in on the ground floor of the emerging technology?

As with all industries in their infancy, there are risks and rewards. 

The world is on deathwatch for gasoline vehicles. Increasingly, governments are approving regulations that would faze out the use of gasoline-powered vehicles. Norway wants to stop the sale of fossil-fueled vehicles by 2025. France and India want to nix gasoline engines in new cars by 2040 and 2030, respectively according to Global X Funds. It's likely that governments around the world will jump on the bandwagon. Read more here.

Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Forbes: Bank of England -- Not Just Any Old Central Bank

It is a curious thing that while the Federal Reserve (Fed) garners much hatred in the U.S., the same is not true of the Bank of England (BoE.) Both are, of course, two of the most important central banks in the world. But maybe the sour view of the Fed comes from American animus toward all central banks.
Whatever the reason the Bank of England holds a special place in the psyche of Britons. That fondness is no doubt enhanced by the majestic building in which it sits at the heart of London's financial district.
Its story is detailed in Till Time's Last Sand; A History of the Bank of England 1694-2013 by David Kynaston, and is set to publish in the U.S. in November. In Britain, it was out in September under the same title. Read more here.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Forbes: The Tumult In U.K.'s Ruling Party Shows What Leadership Is All About


Forget the corporate claptrap.

When it comes to leadership, there's only one thing that matters. The example of British Prime Minister Theresa May shows this in spades. Read more here.

WSJ: What Is the Household Economic Stress Index?


The PNC U.S. Household Economic Stress Index is something that smart investors might want to watch. As the name suggests, it is a measure of how stressed U.S. consumers are on an aggregate basis.

“It’s a variation on the misery index,” says Stuart G. Hoffman, senior economic adviser at PNC Financial Services Group in Pittsburgh. Read more here.

Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash