It may be hard for some people to remember back to 2006 when the housing boom was still in full swing. But University of Virginia Darden School of BusinessProfessor Elena Loutskina certainly won’t forget it in a hurry. In hindsight, that year now looks pivotal to her career, although at the time what happened probably resembled a bad-news-good-news situation. Read more here.
It may be hard for some people to remember back to 2006 when the housing boom was still in full swing. But University of Virginia Darden School of BusinessProfessor Elena Loutskina certainly won’t forget it in a hurry. In hindsight, that year now looks pivotal to her career, although at the time what happened probably resembled a bad-news-good-news situation. Read more here.
Photo by Ryan Ledbetter on Unsplash