Friday, June 17, 2016

Forbes Video: Time To Short Consumer Staples


When investors get nervous about the market, but still want to hold stocks, they frequently hold shares of consumer staples companies. These are the firms that produce the items that you need to buy month-in-month-out, such as shampoo, soap, and toothpaste.

Such companies aren't necessarily the fastest growing, but they are typically very predictable and often pay good dividends.

Unfortunately, that is only the case usually. It isn't that way now. In fact, such companies are now so overvalued that investors should consider shorting, or selling borrowed shares in the hope of profiting from a fall in the price, says Adam Johnson, founder and author of Bullseye Brief. Read more here.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Forbes Video: 5 Foods That Will Kill Your Pet


Who doesn't love chocolate ice-cream and raisins and a glass of wine? 

Even if you do, there are some things that you must not give to your four-legged friends, however much they may try to 'persuade' you otherwise. 

Why? It's because certain foods that will kill them.

Joey Teixeira, senior manager, ASPCA Adoption Center, and his dog Mervin, explain what you need to do. Read more here.

Forbes Video: What's Really Making Amazon A Buy


We all think we know Amazon, but do we really.

Everyone I know has at least purchased a book from the website. That's how the business started 20 years ago. There are of course many other things available on the site now, and often at better prices than in the high street.

But that isn't where the bulk of the profits are coming from, nor is it likely to be where the earnings growth for the company will be.

Adam Johnson, founder and author of Bullseye Brief explains in what you need to know about the Amazon that you don't know in this video.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Forbes Video: If You Drill Deep There's Value In Oil Stocks


When a stock market sector gets hammered there can be great value to be found. Take for instance the oil industry, where plunging crude prices has sent investors fleeing anything associated with the energy patch over the past year.

Investors didn't wait to find out whether or specific companies would be safe or not, they simply dumped everything.

Even though crude prices are still half what they were two years ago there are still some great valustocks to buy in the field. Adam Johnson, founder and author of Bullseye Brief explains why. Read more here.

BelizianCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Forbes Video: Buy Gold To Protect From Fed Snafus


The banking world is now awash with easy money as the Federal Reserve and other central banks try to revive global economic growth. Interest rates in some countries are below zero, and the Federal Reserve has been exceptionally cautious in raising the cost of borrowing inside the United States.

In short, its yet another year of economic doldrums.

Not surprisingly, that worries some people. One error from the U.S. central bank could cause serious problems for the financial system, says Stephen 'Sarge' Guilfoyle, managing director at Deep Value Execution Services NYSE. Read more here.

Photo by Will Creswick on Unsplash

U.S. News: What 'Lower for Longer' Means for Investments


The buzz on Wall Street these past few weeks has been the phrase "lower for longer."
When investors say that, they are talking about the Federal Reserve and its likely policy on short-term interest rates. The Fed is expected to keep the cost of borrowing money lower for longer than was previously expected.
Depending on who you ask, this outlook may have consequences for your investments. Read more here.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

TheStreet: Financial Fun in the Sun: 5 Industry-Related Beach Thrillers


Summer is upon us, and for many people, that means it's time to bask in the seaside sun with a good book.
Your choices aren't limited to potboiler or textbook, either: What if there were books that offered a little of both? 
If you like the idea, you're in luck: Here are five such reads worth considering. Better still, because none are new, you should be able to get them for around the price of a latte, and that may even include postage.  Read more here.